Waitlist Update

My waitlist is currently upwards of 6 months.

I am currently accepting new clients to my waitlsit aged 4 and up for these areas of need:

  • articulation of speech
  • reading and writing

Returning Clients

Use the “Book an appointment” button to schedule more sessions

New Clients

  1. **See Waitlist Update above
  2. Please use the “Appointment request” button
  3. Create an account (if you are a parent make one for yourself)
  4. Make a waitlist request for the free session called Initial Phone Call for New Clients.**If the sessions do not appear in the dropdown menu, go to the Staff or Discipline dropdown to select Theresa Patenaude and then the sessions will appear.

I will contact you from my email address We will speak over the phone closer to the time when I can start working with you.

You can also e-mail me at to request an appointment.


(613) 239-5798


(613) 783-8647


1485 Brûlé Ave.

Ottawa, ON

K1H 8G7

My home office is located centrally in Ottawa, Ontario near Billings Bridge. It is easily accessible by public transit. There is on-street parking as well as one parking space in the driveway. Note that there is no street parking on the west side of Brûlé Ave but this is well marked with street signs.

Accessibility: there is one step to enter into the clinic area within my home. 

Do you have a question?

14 + 9 =

I am a guest on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial. I am privileged to live and work on this land.